Waste Management
Council owns and operates transfer stations in Tokoroa and Putāruru, There is also a recycling drop-off facility in Tīrau. Greenwaste mulching takes place in Tokoroa. All of these sites are managed for Council by private operators in accordance with Council's Landfill Management Plans.
Council provides weekly refuse and fortnightly kerbside recyclable collection from urban areas paying for this service, in Arapuni, Putāruru, Tīrau and Tokoroa. For more on our recycling collection service please follow this link.
The litter collection service ensures that there are adequate bins in public places and that these are properly maintained and emptied. General litter collection from kerbs and channels, some road berms and water tables is also part of this service. Council infringes for illegally dumped material.
Council also manages abandoned cars on roadsides through its Compliance Team.
Council does not operate hazardous waste disposal systems except for receiving surplus agrichemicals at Tokoroa. These are destroyed by Environment Waikato as a regional service.
The litter collection service ensures that there are adequate bins in public places and that these are properly maintained and emptied. General litter collection from kerbs and channels, some road berms and water tables is also part of this service. Litter receptacles are replaced on a regular basis.