Search for Rates and Property Information
You can search for rates and property information using our online search tool including:
- Current annual rates assessed
- Proposed rates for the next rating year
- Property valuations
- Historical rates and valuations
- Legal and location information
How to Pay Your Rates
Council's Finance Division administers the rating process. Rates are invoiced quarterly and are normally due on the 7th of March, June, September and December. Arrangements can be made for regular (weekly, fortnightly, monthly or quarterly) payments of rates. Penalties are applied for late payments. Policies are in place for remissions and postponements.
Rates may be paid using one of the following methods:
- Cash
and can be made at one of the following sites:
- Tokoroa Office - Torphin Crescent Tokoroa
- Putāruru Office - Overdale Street Putāruru
- Tīrau Agency - Tīrau Information Centre Tīrau
Credit Card
At Council offices and through the do it online link at the top of this website on this website. (Service fees apply to Credit Card payments)
POLi and Real Time Debit
Through the do it online link at the top of this website.
Direct Debits
(Weekly, Fortnightly, Monthly, Quarterly or Annually)
You may pay your rates automatically from your Bank Account using our Direct Debit Service. This system removes the worry of how much to pay and remembering when to pay your rates to avoid penalty. If you wish to pay by direct debit please request an authority form from one of our Customer Service Officers. Weekly and fortnightly Direct Debits operate on Tuesdays or Thursdays, Monthly operates on the 7th or 20th of each month, Annual on the 7th of September and Quarterly on the 7th of September, December, March and June being the last due date of payment for each rates instalment. Council will automatically adjust payment amounts annually to ensure rates are paid by the due dates.
Automatic Payments
(Frequencies as determined by your bank)
If you wish to pay by automatic payment please request an authority form from one of our Customer Service Officers. Ratepayers are responsible for ensuring payments are sufficient to cover rates and will need to adjust amounts each year.
Telephone - Internet Banking - Direct Credit
Click here for necessary information regarding setting up or making electronic payments.
It is your responsibility to ensure that the full amount of the instalment is paid by the due date. If you miss a due date a 10% penalty will be applied to the unpaid instalment balance.
Waikato Regional Council rates
The South Waikato District Council is not responsible for Waikato Regional Council rates. These invoices cannot be processed by your local council. Contact Waikato Regional Council.