Dog Control Information

A Compliance Officer may request details including full name, date of birth, address, telephone number and place of work from the owner of a dog or from the person appearing to be in control of the dog. They may also request the name, gender and description of the dog. It is an offence not to provide this information.
Annual report
Every year Council is required to produce a report on the Dog Control activities over the 12-month period, including statistical information on operational procedures and annual stats regarding complaints received over the previous year. This is a requirement of the Department of Internal Affairs.
Charges and Penalties
Impounding of dogs
Dogs found roaming in any public place may be impounded, whether they are registered and micro chipped or not. To retrieve the animal, fees are levied. If you are concerned about a roaming dog, contact us and Council will arrange for a Compliance Officer to investigate.
Number of dogs
Only two dogs are allowed per residential property in the South Waikato District. If you wish to keep more than two dogs (aged three months or more) in a residential area, you must apply for a permit and have the consent of neighbours. There is a non-refundable application fee. There is no limit for rural properties.
If you need to know more we are always happy to assist; contact us.
Leash requirement
All dogs must be kept on a leash in any public place except in special designated dog exercise areas. Failure to do so can result in an instant fine. Pamphlets detailing these dog exercise areas are available from the Council offices.
In off leash areas, dogs must be under voice control.
Control of dogs on own property
Your dog must be under the direct control of a person OR confined on the property. Failure to do so could result in an instant fine (see Fees and Charges). On an unfenced property, the dog must be caged or under the direct control of a person. Council has the right to seize and impound any dog if considered appropriate.
Lost dogs
If you have lost your dog, please contact a Compliance Officer at Council or call our Customer Service team on 07 8850340.
You can also register your lost pet on Lost Pet Finders Ltd. Lost Pet Finders provides a free online resource for anyone who has lost a pet along with advice and a mass notification service.
Animal Welfare
We encourage good dog ownership. Dogs can enhance your life greatly BUT along with the right to own a dog you are obligated under the Dog Control Act to provide what you dog(s) need to live a comfortable and happy life along side you and your community. The Dog Control Act deals with this obligation under Section 5 of the Act, Obligations of dog owners. Below is the relevant excerpt:
(c) to ensure that the dog receives proper care and attention and is supplied with proper and sufficient food, water and shelter.
(d) to ensure that the dog receives adequate exercise.
We often get calls from members of the public about the conditions that some dogs are being kept in. We take these types of complaints very seriously and will investigate immediately in the hope that we are able to minimise any suffering that the animal may be going through. We will seize any dog(s) that are not being looked after in accordance with the Dog Control Act without delay. The owner(s) of the dog(s) will then face enforcement measures and all costs incurred to treat the dog(s). They may also be issued with an Infringement for Failing to Provide proper care and attention.
If you are concerned about a dog, please contact us here.
Animal welfare in an emergency
Animals are important to us and in an emergency they need caring for too. Go to our Civil Defence page for more information.
Private property
Legislation requires all dog owners to keep their dogs, under control at all times. This includes dealing with a dog that has caused a nuisance because of loud and persistent barking. Under section 63 of the Dog Control Act 1996, dog owners are liable for any damage caused by their dog to private property.
More information
Should you wish to know more about the Animal Control Programme please contact one of the Compliance Officers or read through the Dog Control Bylaw.