Public Notice - Long Term Plan 2024-34 Public Consultation
Long Term Plan 2024-34 Public Consultation
The consultation period for the Long Term Plan (LTP) 2024-34 opens on Friday 3 May 2024, and closes Friday 7 June 2024. Our Long Term Plan outlines what Council plans to do over the next 10 years – and how it will be paid for.
It includes details about our services and activities, projects we have planned and when we’re going to deliver them, and issues and challenges facing our district and community. It tells you what your rates may look like for the next 10 years.
We have already been speaking with you through the development of our Growth Plan, Town Concept Plans and draft Vision and Goals. You’ve given Council some great feedback, which has helped develop the draft Long Term Plan 2024-34.
In this LTP, Council is proposing an average rate revenue increase of 8.9% for year 1. We are signalling several changes including a shift from rates to those who benefit for services, rationalise facilities, building and land, delivery of our pensioner housing portfolio, community contracts and grants, housing development and water meters.
Despite the rising costs and difficulties in the general economy, SWDC’s proposal for rates increases over the coming years will put us back into the black in the medium term with financial sustainability over the life of the plan. Looking across New Zealand, this puts us in an enviable position.
The Consultation Document, online submission form and all supporting documents will be available on our website from 3 May. The Consultation Document is available from the Council offices in Tokoroa and Putāruru and the Tīrau i-SITE (the Dog).
Submissions can be made:
- Online at – Community Consultation (just under the search bar) or scan the QR code.
- In hard copy mailed to Freepost Authority Number 201, Long Term Plan 2024-34, South Waikato District Council, Torphin Crescent, Tokoroa 3420.
- Emailed to - please write Long Term Plan 2024-34 in the subject line.
If you wish to be heard, a date and time will be arranged with you. Please remember to include the following in your submission: name, address, phone number and/or email address and whether you wish to be heard (if applicable). Hearings are scheduled for Wednesday 19 (and possibly Thursday 20) June. Hearings are open to the public to attend.
Please direct queries to email above or call Council on 07 885 0340.
Published under Section 83 of the Local Government Act 2002.
Susan Law
Manukura / Chief Executive