Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Animal Control
Below are the most common questions related to Animal Control, for more in depth questions follow this link.
How and where do I register my dog?
Get a registration form from your local Council, complete the form and return with the required fee. Council will then issue a tag. A microchipping fee may also apply. Dog registration forms will be mailed to all known dog owners at annual registration time. If you do not receive a form in the mail OR you are a new dog owner, please make application to your local Council Service Centre.
At what age should my dog be registered?
All dogs MUST be registered by the age of three months.
When do I need to register my dog?
Registration is required annually on 1 July. Owners have until the 31 July to register their dogs without incurring a penalty. Throughout the year, dogs being registered for the first time will be charged a part fee, for the time remaining in the registration year.
What does it cost?
- REGISTRATIONS - Council sets the fees annually from 1 July. Please see fees and charges.
- PENALTIES - 50% will be applied to ALL outstanding registrations after the 31 July.
My dog has died - do I get a refund?
If your dog has died, and you have paid your annual registration fee, you are entitled to a partial refund on that year's registration fee. To apply for a refund you will need to complete a Dog Refund form and provide Council with the tag from the deceased dog or other proof of death (like a veterinary certificate).
Can I transfer my existing registration from another Council?
To transfer registration, you will need to produce the old tag, complete a registration form and a replacement tag will be issued.
What is the selected owner policy?
This is a status that owners need to apply for. Certain criteria are applicable and a declaration form will need to be completed. The fees are reduced for selected owners. For more on Council's SOP please go to this link.
Does my dog need to be microchipped?
New microchip laws came into effect on 1 July 2006. All new dogs first registered on or after 01 July 2006 need to be chipped. The microchip number must be advised to Council.
How do I get my dog chipped?
Contact your local vet or Council's Animal Control unit can administer the chip for a fee.
My neighbours dogs are barking continuously; what can I do?
Call your local Council office with all the details and they will contact the Animal Control and Compliance unit. An Officer will be asked to investigate.
For questions on building consenting processes please follow this link.
Landfill and Transfer Station
What are the hours of operation?
Visit this link for the landfill and transfer station operating hours.
What does it cost?
Please see the latest fees and charges schedule for information.
What is the charge for green waste?
Please see the latest fees and charges schedule for information.
Can we take chemicals, old paint etc to the landfill?
Only by special arrangement. Please contact Council on 07 885 0340.
What about my recyclables?
There are recycling depots at the landfill entrance and you are welcome to put your recyclable material there without entering the landfill and incurring a cost. This applies only to cans, bottles, plastics (only plastics 1 and 2, no others), newspapers and kraft paper. No green waste.
Do you have recycling collection?
Urban residents have a fortnightly kerbside recycling collection. In addition to this service, there are public recycling depots at the landfill entrance, entrance to the Putāruru Transfer Station and rural recycling stations at Te Waotu and Kuranui. Collection days may be subject to change especially during statutory periods. These changes will be promoted on social media, included in the Council's recycling brochure and website and notified by Antenno. For more on our free mobile phone app Antenno follow this link.
Additional recycling information is available at our online mapping tool.
For recycling educational information follow this link.
Opening Hours
Council Agencies
Where is my local Council office and contact number?
- Tokoroa, Torphin Crescent (07 885 0340)
- Putāruru, Overdale Street (07 883 7189)
- Tīrau i-Site, Main Road (07 883 1202)
What are the Council office hours?
- Tokoroa: 8.00am to 5.00pm
- Putāruru: 8.00am to 5.00pm
- Tīrau i-SITE: 9.00am to 5.00pm (limited services available)
What is Council's postal address?
Private Bag 7, Tokoroa, 3444
What is Council's website address?
Where are our libraries?
- Tokoroa, Mannering Street (07 886 6574)
- Putāruru, Overdale Street (07 883 7187)
- Tīrau, Library Link Outreach Service (located in The Dog, 56 Main Street, State Highway 1) (07 883 1202)
What are the Library hours?
- Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 9.30am to 5.30pm
- Wednesday: 9.30am to 6.00pm
- Saturday: 9.30am to 2.00pm
- Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday: 8am to 5.00pm
- Wednesday: 8am to 5.30pm
- Saturday: 9.30am to 12.30pm
Tīrau (Library Link):
The Library Link is an outreach service enables users to drop off and pick up books, order items or access free internet. This service is available seven days from 9:00am to 5:00pm
Where are our Pools?
- Tokoroa, Roslin Street (07 885 0739)
- Putāruru (Summer only), Glenshea Park (07 883 3498)
- Tīrau (Summer only), Goodwin Street Reserve
When are the Pools open?
- Monday - Friday 6.00am to 8.00pm
- Saturday, Sunday & Public holidays 7.30am - 8.00pm
Putāruru (Summer only):
- Daily 12 noon to 6.00pm
Tīrau (Summer only):
- Daily 12 noon - 6.00pm
How can I pay my rates?
You can pay your rates by cash, eftpos, direct debit (Weekly, fortnightly, monthly, quarterly or annually), automatic payment, direct credit, telephone and internet banking. Payments can also be made by credit card through the Pay It portal here and at the counter. Service fees apply to payments by Credit Card.
When are my rates due?
Rates are invoiced quarterly and are normally due 7 September (Instalment 1), 7 December (Instalment 2), 7 March (Instalment 3), 7 June (Instalment 4)
Will I get a penalty if I don't pay by the due date?
Yes. If you miss payment, a 10% penalty will be applied to the unpaid balance of the instalment.
How do I change my address?
A Change of Address form needs to be completed. Council does not accept a change of address over the phone, notification of the change must be made in writing. Change of Address can be advised by email to the rates team.
My property has been sold, what happens to my rates?
Usually on transfer of the property your solicitor contacts the Council rates department, to ascertain how much needs to be paid or if a refund is due. In the first instance, please check with your solicitor; however, an officer from Council's rates department may be able to help you.
I didn't receive a rates notice?
Let us know the property you are paying rates for so that we can ascertain why you may not have received a notice. Perhaps we have an incorrect mailing address (see above note on how to request a change of postal address). Otherwise, a copy invoice can be supplied.
How do I apply for a rates rebate?
Council administers the rates rebate scheme for The Department of Internal Affairs. Certain criteria apply for the rebate. A rebate application form or information regarding the rate rebate scheme can be obtained by contacting one of Council's Customer Service Officers at either the Tokoroa or Putāruru office.
Environmental Health
Am I allowed to hold a sausage sizzle in town?
You need to complete an Application for Use of a Public Place form. Approval from surrounding affected premises will need to be sought. You also need to complete an Application for Registration-Temporary Food Stall form. Once all criteria are met, your application will be considered by Council's Environmental Health Officer and you will be notified accordingly. There is a fee attached. If you are a non-profit organisation, please provide a supporting letter with your application as you may be eligible for a waiver of fees. Fees and Charges can be accessed here.
Can I sell raffle tickets in town?
You need to complete an Application for Use of a Public Place form. Signed approval from surrounding affected premises will need to be sought. Once all criteria are met, your application will be considered by Council's Environmental Health Officer and you will be notified accordingly. There is no fee for this application.
Can I burn rubbish/have a hangi?
Rural and Urban fire is now managed by Fire and Emergency New Zealand. The website can be accessed here.
Property Fees
How do I apply for a Pensioner flat?
An application form will need to be completed and certain criteria apply. Please ask a Customer Service Officer for a form so that you can view the criteria. For more information please visit this link.
Frequently asked for telephone numbers
Council often gets asked for phone numbers. The common ones are below.
- District Court - 07 885 0061
- Tokoroa i-SITE - 07 886 8872
- Putāruru Information Centre - 07 883 7284
- Tīrau - i-SITE 07 883 1202
- Graffiti - 07 885 0340
- Waikato Regional Council - 0800 800 401
- Plant & Animal Pest Advice - 0800 BIOSECURITY or 0800 246 732
- Bees Flybusters - 0800 837 070 or Paul Black 07 883 8389
- Tokoroa Cinema - 07 886 1532
- CAB - Citizens Advice Bureau - 0800 367 222 or visit its website here.
- Work and Income - 0800 559 009
- South Waikato Achievement Centre (Recycle Centre) - 07 886 8941
Emergency after hours numbers
- Sewerage and Water - 07 885 0340
- Dangerous Goods Inspector - 07 885 0340
- Building Inspector - 07 885 0340
- Emergency Management - 07 885 0778
- Animal Control Officers - 07 885 0774
- Environmental Health Officers - 07 885 0340
- Noise Control Officer - 07 885 0340
- Roadworks and Flooding (Downer) - 07 883 1650